

Realizzato in due modelli:
tipo A – 800x600xH350
tipo B – 600x500xH25
L’ampia base di appoggio impedisce la ricrescita dell’erba nelle immediate vicinanze, facilitandone il taglio senza doverli spostare, mantenendone la visibilità anche nel caso di erba alta.
Vengono fissati al terreno mediante picchetti, oppure nel caso di pista asfaltata, un’apposita vaschetta contenente ghiaia o sabbia ne permette l’ancoraggio al terreno.

Materiali di realizzazione:
Tipo A e B: PE di colore bianco, materiale indistruttibile agli urti.
Stabilizzato alla luce, limita l’invecchiamento e il conseguente ingiallimento.
Resistente agli agenti atmosferici
Tipo A: ASA di colore bianco, materiale speciale frangibile.
Stabilizzato alla luce, limita l’invecchiamento e il conseguente ingiallimento.
Resistente agli agenti atmosferici


An exclusive shopping experience

The decisions was taken to source services from the Broker group and use the expertise of Broker finance to ensure that all financial elements were optimized and managed expertly.

An exclusive shopping experience was designed and rolled out globally for the airline. The solution consisted of a paper-based and online catalogue, which allowed customers to browse and choose from a vast array of products.

Orders could be placed via a call centre or directly via the web-shop
and customers had the option to select various payment methods, from air miles to credit cards or a combination of both. Broker has handled the trade spend and debt management processes for the client’s paper-based and online catalogue since its inception.


A worldwide success

  • Shopping service available in over 60 countries worldwide
  • Global logistics network capable of delivering all products to every country
  • Management and control of monetary transactions
  • Hosting of dedicated Paypage for client